Shannon Architects

Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Site


The Naracoorte Caves Conservation Park contains the World Heritage listed Victoria Fossil Cave. Shannon Architects have provided design services for the site over an extended period.

The Wonambi Visitor Centre is the primary focus for visitors and contains site reception, information and amenities functions.

The significant interactive display component provides visitors with a walk through experience of the pre-historic Flora and Fauna of the region. A large volume is required to house the scientifically accurate representations of the Mega-Fauna and design concepts minimise the visual impact on the site.

Masterplanning builds upon our designs for the visitor centre and proposals for the "Roof Top" walk and Victoria Fossil Cave Precinct have been implemented.

The interpretive walk provides fully accessible access to the dolines into the caves below and visitors are able to appreciate the extent of the caves over which they pass. At Victoria Fossil Cave the aesthetics and amenity upgraded to reflect this significant location.


1999 RAIA Commendation - New Building