Shannon Architects

Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden Reception Building

The Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden is located on the outskirts of Port Augusta, South Australia. The Reception Building represents the first stage of this unique project and provides a conceptual framework for future expansion.

Built development will, in the long term, surround a large circular courtyard enclosed by rammed earth walls. The Reception Building contains interpretive display, office, souvenir sales, kiosk and amenities, all on a small scale. Landscaping will extend to the building perimeter softening and concealing built forms.

Internally spaces are contained within a single volume. Finishes incorporate a range of natural timbers and exposed rammed earth.

The building contains many environmental features which include rainwater harvesting, passive air conditioning, effluent treatment for irrigation and solar site lighting.


1996 RAIA Award of Merit - Environment
1996 RAIA Commendation - New Building
1996 Civic Trust - Award of Merit